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Viewing assistant analytics


Assistants come with analytics out of the box for monitoring what queries your users have been asking the assistant and what responses the assistant has been giving. The context for each query (such as page information or the visual screenshot) is also logged and associated with each response alongside any documents that the assistant used to base its answer.

Looking at this data can help you determine if you need to tweak the assistant's instructions or sources to produce better and more relevant responses to your users.

By time period

You can view a list of responses for a given time period by navigating to the assistant page and then the Analytics tab. From here, you can use the time period filter to change the time period.

Individual responses

You can view an individual response by clicking the response from the analytics tab. This will bring you to a new page that will list the full response, cited documents, input context, and user and group information.

Time period filter

Use the time period menu at the top right of the page to select a time window to filter on.

TodayActivity within the current day
YesterdayActivity within the previous day
Last 7 daysActivity within the previous 7 days
Last 30 daysActivity within the previous 30 days
All timeAll activity

Time periods are relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).