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Mixpanel as a data destination

Send events from Dopt to Mixpanel for analysis.


  1. In the Mixpanel web app, in Organization Settings, click Projects. Click a project and use your Project Token to track data to your Mixpanel project via our SDKs or Ingestion API.
  2. In Dopt, navigate to Settings > Integrations.
  3. Click “Create Integration” and select Mixpanel, select the Dopt environment you wish to send events from, paste in the Mixpanel Project Token, and click Create.

When configuring Mixpanel, you can also send a test event to check if the integration is set up correctly. If you do, Dopt will send a dopt_mixpanel_test track event.


Dopt sends 3 events downstream as track calls.


This event is fired whenever the state of a flow changes.

Example event

event: "flow_state_change",
properties: {
distinct_id: $userId,
environment: 'development',
flow_id: 'getting-started',
flow_name: 'Getting started',
flow_version: 1,
flow_state: 'started', //started, stopped, finished, or reset
workspace: ''


This event is fired whenever the state of a block changes.

Example event

event: block_state_change,
properties: {
distinct_id: $userId,
block_id: 'example-app-tutorial',
block_name: 'example app tutorial',
block_state: 'EXITED', //ENTERED or EXITED
block_type: '' // start, webhook, etc
environment: 'development',
flow_id: 'getting-started',
flow_name: 'Getting started',
flow_version: 1,
workspace: ''


This event is fired whenever a path is transitioned.

Example event

"event": "path_transition",
"properties": {
distinct_id: $userId,
path_transition: 'default',
block_id: '00015', //block the path originates from
block_name: 'Start',
block_type: 'entry'
environment: 'development',
flow_id: 'getting-started',
flow_name: 'Getting started',
flow_version: 1,
workspace: ''