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Groups let you define a collection of users. A group can be a company, workspace, organization, account, project, team or any other grouping that's relevant for you.

Groups are useful because they enable you to control targeting based on an entire group's behavior instead of just a single user. They also give you an overview of all users within a group.

A user can belong to many groups, which is useful if users in your product can belong to multiple workspaces (e.g., Notion, Slack, or GitHub).

Group properties

Group properties are just like user properties but at a group level. They're the “adjectives” that describe your groups, like name, plan, projects created, created date, etc.

With Dopt, you can target users based on group properties. For example, you may want to target users to set up an integration when the group property integration_active is false.

Group properties are evaluated in start blocks to determine if a user should qualify for a flow.


There are no required group properties other than a unique identifier. Some properties, like name and email, are personally identifiable information (PII) so, as a best practice, we recommend only sending properties that may be required to complete your use cases.


If a group has a name property, it will be displayed in Dopt and be more identifiable in the Groups page.


Nested group properties are currently unsupported, but will still be accepted as valid values.

Example group

Here’s an example group with properties:

identifier: "920c-ac33",
properties: {
name: "Acme Co",
projects: 42,
users: 139,
plan: "Pro",
hubspot_integration_active: false

Identifying groups

Groups are identified to Dopt using Dopt’s users API.

How to identify groups →